“Thank You to the community and to other organizations and business for all your support”

From The Rachael Academy of Education

To Logan Fitness Center

Located in Carterville, IL

Thank you for letting us sponsor the Pumpkin Plunge this 2023 Halloween & for being a part of your wonderful & Amazing college community.

Project Human X

Located in Carbondale, IL

Thank you for hosting our fundraiser & thank you for bringing art to the community.

Black Diamond Harley Davidson

Located in Marion, IL

Thank you for hosting The Hearts for Harley’s fundraiser for our organization. Your support means a great deal to us and our clients.

Southern Illinois University of Carbondale

Located in Carbondale, IL

Thank you

Southern Illinois University of Carbondale and SIUC Social Work Department. Because of SIUC and the Social Work Department, we have grown as an organization, provide support to clients, and support the local community.

Texas Roadhouse

Located in Marion IL

Thank you for hosting our fundraiser. It was a lot of fun, and we were able to raise money to provide important services to the community.

Heartland Realty & Rentals

Located in Marion, IL

“Thank you so much for supporting our organization, and renting to us, because of you we have a great location, amazing building, and are able to serve the local community.”

Thank You

The Furniture Trust

For getting our organization the furniture we need to run our organization and helping our clients!

To Barnes and Noble

Located in Carbondale IL

Thank you for allowing us to be a part of your wonderful organization and for hosting & raising money for our program.

To Green Earth

Located in Carbondale, IL

Thank you for letting us carve pumpkins this 2023 Halloween for the Pumpkin Glow.

To ReaderLink

Located in Marion, IL

Thank you for donating books, art kits, and educational material to our program.

Marion Chamber of Commerce

Located in Marion, IL

Thank you to the Marion Chamber of Commerce for allowing us to join your organization.

Larry’s House of Cakes

Located in Carbondale, IL

Thank you very much for donating sweet treats to our organization for our fundraiser. It means so much to us that you support our organization and our clients.


Located in Marion IL

Thank you for hosting our fundraiser. It was a fun, and we were able to raise money to help provided important services to the community.

Alto Vineyards

Located in Alto Pass IL

Thank you for hosting our fundraiser it was a fun time and we were able to raise funds to help support our clients and the local community.